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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Implications of Virtual & Augmented Reality

      Now that virtual & augmented reality equipment can be used in a multi interface blended curriculum, learners have the opportunity to use four different styles of training interactions. Instructor guided, VR & AR simulators, online and hands on shop competency.
    Virtual & augmented reality welding simulators are used for students to practice the motor memory necessary to develop skills when welding real positions on steel. There could be no complete deletion of the work with the electric arc and mild steel in the real world, but significant training time is used for students to become competent in the physical movements required to weld. Saving time in a fully equipped shop for practical projects saves electricity, consumables and materials. (Lucia, Okimoto, Okimoto & Goldbac, 2015) This blending learning becomes a greener option, which saves more than money. It seems that the big implication of this technology is a change of how students will be trained in skilled trades. Learners will spend time studying welding theory online, then use augmented reality trainers to practice the procedures, then practical projects using the processes in the welding shop to practice practical assignments on real steel. In the abstract as well as the applied, modern education is poised to take advantage of this latest tech innovation. (Reede & Bailiff. 2016) To prepare for the near future, training of instructors will be required and practice using this technology to enhance student learning can begin.

Lucia M., Okimoto L. R., Okimoto P.C., Goldbach C.E. (2015). User Experience in Augmented Reality applied to the Welding Education. Science Direct. Curitiba Brazil

Soldamatic from Seabery. (2015) Augmented Training for Welding. www.soldamatic.com

Reede, E & Bailiff, L. (2016) When Virtual Reality Meets Education. Crunch Network. Retrieved from  https://techcrunch.com/